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ACTACC & SCTS are excited to be coming together in this collaborative study day, to pool our combined knowledge and experience and the use this opportunity to explore practice and behaviours that can improve patient care in Thoracic and Cardiac surgery.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Date: Monday 6th November 2023
Venue: Royal Society of Medicine, London
2 Parallel Streams:
Thoracic Symposium: A full day dedicated to Thoracic Topics!
Cardiac Symposium: Professional Behaviours and Team Working
The Association for Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical Care (ACTACC) and the Society for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (SCTS) would like to invite you to submit your abstracts for our Joint Study day on the 6th November 2023.. Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Victoria.leonard@eventmanagementdirect.co.uk
Meeting Details
Monday 6th November 2023. Royal Society of Medicine, London.
Successful abstracts will be selected for poster presentation, with prizes awarded for the top three posters.
Suggested topics, which may be related to either adult or paediatric practice, include:
- Cardiac anaesthesia, surgery, and peri-operative care
- Thoracic anaesthesia, surgery, and peri-operative care
- Cardiothoracic critical care
- Congenital heart disease
- Perfusion
- Clinical governance, quality improvement and education
- Management of cardiorespiratory arrest
- COVID-19 and cardiothoracic critical care, anaesthesia, and perfusion
Projects that feature collaboration between Surgical, Anaesthetic and Allied Health Professionals, in keeping with the overall theme of the meeting, will receive extra recognition during the marking process.
Guidance Notes for Authors
Please submit your abstract as a single page for word document, Arial size 10 point in the following suggested sections:
- Title and Authors with associated Grades and Institutions
- Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion or Conclusions (flexible depending on type of submission, e.g., case report may not have a Methods or Results section)
- Maximum 1 Figure (table, graph, or image) – please provide as a separate file
- Maximum 3 references
The deadline for submissions is Monday 18th September 2023. Successful authors will be notified by Monday 2nd October 2023 via e-mail.
Abstracts should be submitted via the website www.actaccmeetings.co.uk
Abstracts Submissions