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SCTS Education Tips & Tricks Operative Video Prize

Cardiothoracic Surgical Trainees (NTN trainees and Trust Appointed Doctors) are invited to produce an operative video for the SCTS Education Tips & Tricks Operative Video Prize.
The aim of this annual prize are:
  • To encourage trainees and trainers to utilize video technology for training, and
  • To accumulate an SCTS education video library of training videos, which will be made available to SCTS members on the new SCTS website

Prizes to be awarded to all winners.

Only videos of procedures in the accepted video lists, which you can find below, will be considered, However, the competition is open-entry so you may choose to submit an operative video procedure from a level different than your own. 

Procedure Lists: 

Cardiac Video List        Thoracic Video List


Submission Instructions and Requirements:

The videos should be submitted as a high definition (HD), AVI or MPEG-4 video file, no more than 5 minutes in duration, and can be made using any recording device, including smart phones, video cameras or professional equipment, and there should be a voice over on the initial submission.

Please include patient consent and consultant approval with the submission

For further details:

If you require further information, please contact: 

Deborah Harrington (SCTS Education Secretary), Elizabeth Belcher (SCTS Education Secretary) or Michael Shackcloth (SCTS Surgical Tutor) through


Previous Years' Entries

For previous years submissions, please visit the SCTS Trainee YouTube channel   

Please see the 2021 winner videos below or go to the SCTS Trainee YouTube channel   where you can view each video: 

2021 Cardiac SCTS Operative Video prize: Oliver Pumphrey - Cabrol

2021 Cardiac SCTS Operative Video prize: Samail Shahjahan - Direct Axillary Artery Cannulation

2021 Thoracic SCTS Operative Video Prize: Ahmed El zeki - Right RATS hybrid diaphragm plication

2021 Thoracic SCTS Operative Video prize: Nora Mayer - Thymectomy SVC resection

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Operative Video prize winners are:

2021 Cardiac  Samail Shahjahan - Direct Axillary Artery Cannulation

2021 Thoracic Nora Mayer - Thymectomy SVC resection


Please see the 2020 shortlisted videos below to visit the SCTS Trainee YouTube channel  where you can view each video: 

2020 Cardiac SCTS Operative Video prize: Ishaan Chauhan G Adinolfi - Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvest

2020 Cardiac SCTS Operative Video prize: Abdelhadi Ismail - Transapical TAVI

2020 Thoracic SCTS Operative Video Prize: Oliver Harrison - Open Laser Metastatectomy

2020 Thoracic SCTS Operative Video Prize: Rob Fleck_Pectus Up extrathoracic treatment for Pectus Excavatum

We are pleased to announce that the 2020 Operative Video prize winners are:

2020 Cardiac: Ishaan Chauhan - Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvest

2020 Thoracic: Joint winners Oliver Harrison - Open Laser Metastatectomy & Rob Fleck - Pectus up extrathoracic treatment for Pectus Excavatum