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Support and Guidance

Clinical/educational supervisors and line managers have committed to supporting those attached and working in their team and should be confided in for support with BHU.

The Training Programme Director is responsible for training in each region and will be aware of the seriousness of BHU behaviour.

The Specialty Advisory Committee is responsible for national training in cardiothoracic surgery and has a Liaison Member for each training programme.

Most Trusts will have appointed a Guardian of Safe Working who is responsible for junior doctor work issues such as their rota or BHU. They can support and advise on BHU-related matters.

Freedom to Speak-up Guardian There is a network of national Freedom-to-Speak-Up Guardians that specifically focus on supporting those that need to speak up about issues in the healthcare setting.

Find My FTSU Guardian - National Guardian's Office

ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service) is an independent public body with a duty to improve employment relations in Britain. ACAS can be a useful source of advice for BHU in the workplace.

The surgical Royal Colleges and the Royal College of Nursing can help and support members with BHU-related concerns.