About NAHP Committee
The SCTS Nursing & Allied Health Professional committee was established to increase the Nursing & AHP profile within the cardiothoracic surgical speciality, the cardiothoracic arena and among the general NAHP community.
The SCTS NAHP committee aims to improve communication between cardiothoracic centres, specifically Nurses, Surgical Care Practitioners and AHP’s. By promoting and sharing service changes, developments, innovation and new ways of working. The SCTS NAHP committee take an active role in supporting workforce change and erode the division of the delivery of care.
View all offices of the NAHP committee below:
NAHP Committee
Aim of SCTS Nursing and AHP
To increase nursing profile within the Cardiothoracic surgical speciality, the cardiothoracic arena and amongst the general nursing and allied healthcare professional community at local land national level and to
- To increase Associate membership of the SCTS.
- To develop the forum at the annual meeting.
- To further develop and maintain the nurses’ page on the web site.
- To promote a collaborative way forward for the patient pathway and erode divisions of the delivery of care.
- To take an active role to help steer workforce changes.
- To improve communication between centres, specifically nurses, surgical care practitioners and allied healthcare professionals.
- To promote sharing of developments, innovation, and new ways of working
The SCTS NAHP Vision
- To transform the NAHP portfolio to wider community access.
- Expand the SCTS NAHP subcommittee team to give opportunity for wider professionals.
- Create patient related informative videos.
- Create NAHP educational videos for wider access.
- Introduction of team excellence awards to NAHPs across GB & Ireland.
- More active engagement of SCTS unit representatives on
- Education
- Development of patient and staff teaching resources for future generation.
- National audits and research.
- Nominating their team for SCTS excellence awards.
- Nominating their colleagues for fellowships, grants and research studies.

NAHP Values
Compassion: Caring about others
Compassionate NAHP sub-committee members reflect on and appreciate the needs of our society. They understand their own place in the SCTS community and make sensible choices when using/creating the SCTS resources to minimise negative impact on others. Our sub-committee members appreciate the benefits that they gain from their education and looks to give something back to society in recognition of the opportunities they have experienced being in the SCTS NAHP team.
Resilience: Not giving up
It is often acknowledged to involve a number of different elements and our sub-committee members demonstrate a sense of self-esteems and confidence in their own ability. Our members acknowledge their own potential to success in a given situation and are often prepared to adapt and change their actions and ideas in order to ensure our society success. Resilient members are able to bounce back when faced with potential failure and regroup so as to view setbacks as new opportunities.
Any issues, you want to discuss confidentially, please email sctsadmin@scts.org your identity will be protected.
Integrity: Making the right choices
We strongly believe that our members demonstrate integrity are brave to stand up for what they believe to be right even when those around them hold distinct judgments. In our view, members with true integrity will also recognise when their beliefs have been misinformed and alter them accordingly. They demonstrate a sense of social justice and a belief that the needs of others are important. Members with integrity respect the beliefs and opinions of others even when they are different on their own, accept that they may be equally valid, and benefit from that diversity.
Communication: Sharing information with others
Our sub-committee members demonstrate excellent communication skills by displaying their skills on education and creative innovative ideas.
Digital literacy: Use technology confidently
All our sub-committee members are excellent and confident to use the latest technologies. They understand howe to communicate with the wider team using different technologies and able to interrogate information from a variety of sources to ensure its reliability and coherence.
Collaboration : working well together
Our sub-committee members work effectively with each other to create new knowledge and solve any problems. We all appreciate the skills of others, celebrate diversity, and identify ways to work together which utilise the teams’ strength.
Please contact us if you want to be involved in education, research, audit.
Please contact if you are interested in developing new technologies, pathways and would like to disseminate it to wider NAHP SCTS members.
Contact emma@scts.org