Surgical Sub-specialitiesCardiacUnit and Outcome DataService DevelopmentRecommendations and GuidelinesAdvanced Operative TechniquesEducationAorticMinimally InvasiveThoracicUnit and Outcome DataService DevelopmentRecommendations and GuidelinesAdvanced Operative TechniquesEducationCongenitalUnit and Outcome DataService DevelopmentRecommendations and GuidelinesAdvanced Operative TechniquesEducationTransplantOutcomesHistory of TransplantationOperative TechniquesRecommendations and GuidelinesSyllabusEducationMedical StudentsSCTS INSINC (Student Committee) Updates and Events Mentorship Equality, Diversity and InclusivityStudent Collaborative Research ProjectsUseful ResourcesEducationInsinc InsightSurgeon SpotlightNursing and AHPAboutNAHP Sub-specialitiesCardiac SurgeryTechnical Skills and Procedural VideosKnowledge ArticlesBest Practice & Service Improvement ProjectsThoracic SurgeryTechnical Skills and Procedural VideosKnowledge ArticlesBest Practice & Service Improvement ProjectsCongenital Cardiac SurgeryTechnical Skills and Procedural VideosKnowledge ArticlesBest Practice & Service Improvement ProjectsEducationCoursesFellowships and AwardsNursing & AHP Educational ResourcesResearch & AuditCardiothoracic ForumProfessional MattersTeam AwardsSurgical TrainingNTN TraineesCoursesFellowshipsGuidance & SupportSAC & Training ProgrammeNational SelectionTraining AwardsTrust Appointed DoctorsCoursesFellowshipsGuidance & SupportLeft-Handed TrainersTraineesAHPsResearchAbout ResearchResearch NewsRecently Published TrialsFunding StreamsCIRNSCTS National Research MeetingPriority Setting PartnershipReports & ResourcesDocumentsLinksJournalsBlue BooksReportsResourcesCOVID-19Equality, Diversity and InclusionWomen in Cardiothoracic Surgery NetworkAimsRole ModelsUseful LinksResourcesCommitteesAcademic & ResearchAdult Cardiac SurgeryAuditBoard of RepresentativesCommunicationsCongenital Cardiac SurgeryEducationEquality, Diversity and InclusionExecutive CommitteeInnovationIntercollegiate BoardMeetings TeamNursing & Allied Health Professionals (NAHP)Professional StandardsSAC in Cardiothoracic SurgeryPatient Safety & Quality Improvement Working GroupSCTS Regional Speciality Professional AdvisorsStudent EducationThoracic SurgeryTraineesTransplantationWomen in Cardiothoracic SurgeryMentorshipClinical Impact CommitteeSustainability in Cardiothoracic Surgery Working GroupBoard of RepresentativesInnovationMember wellbeingBullying, Harassment & UnderminingSCTS BHU GuardianPrevention of BHUReducing the risk of bullyingResilience ToolkitSupport and GuidanceBHU Resources Home Professionals Reports & Resources COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19: Recent Publications and Guidance for Cardiothoracic Surgical Practitioners September 2022 The Society for Thoracic Surgeons (STS) and other North American Surgical and Cardiological Societies have recently published a guidance statement regarding surgical triage for patients with COVID-19. Click here to view document. The document gives guidance regarding the timing of cardiac surgical intervention in patients who have recently developed COVID-19 and suggests suitable periods of deferment according to the acuity of the cardiac surgical procedure and severity of the COVID-19 infection. SCTS Guidance on COVID-19 Surgical Triage and Timing for Patients With Coronavirus Disease: A Guidance Statement from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons ( 1st September 2022) Timing of Elective Surgery Following COVID-19 Infection (Anaesthesia 18th March 2021) BISMICS & SCTS Statement on Minimally Invasive Surgery (20th May 2020) SCTS Current Recommendations Regarding Pre-Operative COVID-19 Screening CT Scan in Patients Undergoing Cardiothoracic Surgery (19th May 2020) SCTS Current Recommendations Regarding Screening for COVID-19 in Patients Undergoing Cardiothoracic Surgery (22nd April 2020) SCTS Letter to Membership on Data Collection for National Audits During the COVID-19 Outbreak (26th March 2020) SCTS / ACTACC / SCPS Joint COVID-19 Theatre Guidance (23rd March 2020) SCTS Thoracic Surgery Advice During COVID-19 Outbreak (18th March 2020) SCTS Cardiothoracic Practice During COVID-19 Outbreak (16th March 2020) SCTS Cardiothoracic Surgery Escalation Framework (16th March 2020) National & International Guidance on COVID-19 Timing of Elective Surgery Following COVID-19 Infection (Anaesthesia 18th March 2021) NHS Operating Framework for Urgent and Planned Services in Hospital Settings During COVID-19 (14th May 2020) Royal College of Surgeons & Radiologists Joint Guidance for Pre-operative COVID-19 Testing for Elective Cancer Surgery (13th May 2020) FICM RCOA Restarting Planned Surgery in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (1st May 2020) RCS Guidance for Recovery of Surgical Services During and After COVID-19 (29th April 2020) NHS England Guidance Regarding the 2nd Phase Response for COVID-19 (29th April 2020) Safe Reintroduction of Cardiovascular Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Guidance from North American Society Leadership (ATS 27th April 2020) American Colleges Roadmap for Resuming Elective Surgery After the COVID-19 Pandemic (17th April 2020) Public Health England (PHE) Guidance on COVID-19 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) (12th April 2020) RCS Clinical Guide to Surgical Prioritisation During the Coronavirus Pandemic (11th April 2020) Joint Royal Colleges Guidance for Pre-Operative Chest CT Imaging for Elective Cancer Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic (9th April 2020) NICE COVID-19 Rapid Guideline for Critical Care (updated 9th April 2020) Tiered Patient Triage Guidance Statement for Adult Cardiac Surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic (ATS in press 8th April 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for the Management of Critical Care for Adults with COVID-19 During the Coronavirus Pandemic (8th April 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for the Management of Essential Cancer Surgery for Adults During the Coronavirus Pandemic (7th April 2020) RCS COVID-19 Good Practice for Surgeons and Surgical Teams (3rd April 2020) COVID-19- Crisis Management in Congenital Heart Surgery (ATS 1st April 2020) NHS Guidance on Maintaining Cancer Services During the Coronavirus Pandemic (30th March 2020) Public Health England & Royal Colleges PPE Letter (28th March 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for the Management of Remote Consultations and Remote Working in Secondary Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic (27th March 2020) Department of Health and Public Health Agencies COVID-19 Guidance for Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Settings (27th March 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for the Management of Remote Consultations and Remote Working in Secondary Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic (27th March 2020) NHS England Clinical Expert Group on Lung Cancer COVID Guidance (26th March 2020) COVID-19 Guidance for Triage of Operations for Thoracic Malignancies. A Consensus Statement from the Thoracic Surgery Outcomes Research Network (ATS in press 24th March 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for the Management of Cardiothoracic Surgery Patients During the Coronavirus Pandemic (20th March 2020) Scottish Government’s National Cancer Treatment Response Group’s Guidance on Cancer Treatment During COVID-19 (20th March 2020) Royal Surgical Colleges Joint Guidance for Surgical Support During COVID-19 (20th March 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for the Management of Cancer Patients During the Coronavirus Pandemic (17th March 2020) NHS Response to COVID-19 (17th March 2020) NHS Clinical Guide for COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Hospital (16th March 2020) Royal Surgical Colleges Joint Policy Statement on COVID-19 (13th March 2020) WHO Guidance on the Clinical Management of COVID-19 (13th March 2020) International ICU guidleines for COVID-19 (March 2020) International Lessons Learnt on COVID-19 Fair Allocation of Medical Resources (NEJM 23rd March 2020) Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19 In China (NEJM 21st March 2020) Rational Use of Face Masks in the COVID-19 Pandemic (Lancet 20th Mar 2020) Cardiovascular Considerations of COVID-19 (JACC 17th March 2020) Experimental Models to Predict ITU Bed Requirement (13th March 2020) Critical Care Utilisation in Italy (JAMA 13th March 2020) COVID-19 Epidemiology, Presentation, Prevention & Management COVIDSURG Recovery of surgical services in the post-pandemic era (Nov 2020) Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiac Procedure Activity in England and Associated 30-Day Mortality (20th October 2020) Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) Report on COVID-19 in Critical Care (15th May 2020) Impact of COVID-19 on BAME Staff Assessment and Management of Risk (13th May 2020) A Nationwide Survey of UK Cardiac Surgeons’ View on Clinical Decision Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic (JTCVS 7th May 2020) COVID Symptom Tracker App (28th April 2020) BMJ Best Practice COVID-19 (20th April 2020) COVID-19 FAQ’s in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (WJPCHS 17th April 2020) St Bartholomew’s Hospital Theatre Standard Operating Protocol for COVID-19 (8th April 2020) Intensive Care Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – Challenges and Recommendations (Lancet 6th April 2020) Barts Protocol for Surgery in Aortovascular Patients During the Covid-19 Pandemic (2nd April 2020) Medela COVID-19 – Considerations for Safe Chest Drain Management (30th March 2020) Pan-London Emergency Cardiac Surgery Standard Operating Protocol During COVID-19 Pandemic (27th March 2020) Coronavirus – What Anaesthetists Need to Know (BJA 21st March 2020) Bronchoscopy Recommendations (20th March 2020) COVID-19 Data Charts (18th March 2020) Massachusetts General Hospital Clinical Management Guidelines (17th March 2020) Impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) to Reduce COVID- 19 Mortality and Healthcare Demand (Imperial College 16th March 2020) King’s Critical Care COVID-19 Evidence Summary (9th March 2020) St Thomas’ Hospital COVID-19 Guide (March 2020) York ICU Coronavirus Summary (March 2020) International Pulmonologist’s Consensus Document on COVID-19 (March 2020) King’s College Hospital COVID-19 General Presentation (March 2020) Transplant during Covid COVID-19: Information for Transplant Professionals Special Considerations in Solid Organ Transplant, Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant, and Cellular Therapy Candidates, Donors, and Recipients COVID-19 Information for Transplant Professionals - BTS COVID-19: Clinical Advice for clinical staff AST Resources For Transplant Professionals