SCTS Lay Representative
The Royal College of Surgeons' Patient and Lay Group (PLG) was first established in April 1999. It provides a direct patient and public voice across the everyday business of the RCS. The PLG works to:
- ensure an effective patient voice in RCS work
- influence RCS standards and policies
- proactively raise areas of patient concern to the RCS
- advise the RCS about the best way to engage with patients
- act as a critical friend to the RCS
The Lay Rep for the SCTS is Sarah Murray.
'As the lay representative of the Society I see my role as critical friend and support to all the members and, in particular, the executive committee.
I believe in good governance, accountability and transparency and particularly when dealing with patients there is a need to communicate clearly using plain language. These are things I am passionate about and am delighted to be working with SCTS in achieving their goals'.