Surgical Sub-specialitiesCardiacUnit and Outcome DataService DevelopmentRecommendations and GuidelinesAdvanced Operative TechniquesEducationAorticMinimally InvasiveThoracicUnit and Outcome DataService DevelopmentRecommendations and GuidelinesAdvanced Operative TechniquesEducationCongenitalUnit and Outcome DataService DevelopmentRecommendations and GuidelinesAdvanced Operative TechniquesEducationTransplantOutcomesHistory of TransplantationOperative TechniquesRecommendations and GuidelinesSyllabusEducationMedical StudentsStudent Education CommitteeUpdates and Events Mentorship EducationSurgeon SpotlightEquality, Diversity and InclusivityStudent Collaborative Research ProjectsUseful ResourcesInsinc InsightNursing and AHPAboutNAHP Sub-specialitiesCardiac SurgeryTechnical Skills and Procedural VideosKnowledge ArticlesBest Practice & Service Improvement ProjectsThoracic SurgeryTechnical Skills and Procedural VideosKnowledge ArticlesBest Practice & Service Improvement ProjectsCongenital Cardiac SurgeryTechnical Skills and Procedural VideosKnowledge ArticlesBest Practice & Service Improvement ProjectsEducationCoursesFellowships and AwardsNursing & AHP Educational ResourcesResearch & AuditCardiothoracic ForumProfessional MattersTeam AwardsSurgical TrainingNTN TraineesCoursesFellowshipsGuidance & SupportSAC & Training ProgrammeNational SelectionTraining AwardsTrust Appointed DoctorsCoursesFellowshipsGuidance & SupportLeft-Handed TrainersTraineesAHPsResearchAbout ResearchResearch NewsRecently Published TrialsFunding StreamsCIRNSCTS National Research MeetingPriority Setting PartnershipReports & ResourcesDocumentsLinksJournalsBlue BooksReportsResourcesCOVID-19Equality, Diversity and InclusionWomen in Cardiothoracic Surgery NetworkAimsRole ModelsUseful LinksResourcesCommitteesAcademic & ResearchAdult Cardiac SurgeryAuditCommunicationsCongenital Cardiac SurgeryEducationEquality, Diversity and InclusionExecutive CommitteeInnovationIntercollegiate BoardMeetings TeamNursing & Allied Health Professionals (NAHP)Professional StandardsSAC in Cardiothoracic SurgeryPatient Safety & Quality Improvement Working GroupSCTS Regional Speciality Professional AdvisorsStudent EducationThoracic SurgeryTraineesTransplantationWomen in Cardiothoracic SurgeryMentorshipClinical Impact CommitteeSustainability in Cardiothoracic Surgery Working GroupBoard of RepresentativesInnovationMember wellbeingBullying, Harassment & UnderminingSCTS BHU GuardianPrevention of BHUReducing the risk of bullyingResilience ToolkitSupport and GuidanceBHU Resources Home Professionals Surgical Sub-specialities Cardiac Recommendations and Guidelines Recommendations and Guidelines Explore the latest guidelines below: National recommendations MiraQ for assessing graft flow during coronary artery bypass graft surgery (MTG8, 2018) Aortic valve reconstruction with processed bovine pericardium (IPG604, 2018) E‑vita open plus for treating complex aneurysms and dissections of the thoracic aorta (MTG16, 2018) Sutureless aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis (IPG624, 2018) Trans-catheter aortic valve implantation for aortic stenosis (IPG586, 2017) Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis: antimicrobial prophylaxis against infective endocarditis in adults and children undergoing interventional procedures (CG64, 2016) Implantation of a left ventricular assist device for destination therapy in people ineligible for heart transplantation (IPG516, 2015) Trans-apical trans-catheter mitral valve-in-valve implantation for a failed surgically implanted mitral valve bioprosthesis (IPG541, 2015) Endoscopic saphenous vein harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting (IPG494, 2014) Trans-catheter valve-in-valve implantation for aortic bioprosthetic valve dysfunction (IPG504, 2014) Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (IPG377, 2011) Thoracoscopic exclusion of the left atrial appendage (with or without surgical ablation) for non-valvular atrial fibrillation for the prevention of thromboembolism (IPG400, 2011) External aortic root support in Marfan syndrome (IPG394, 2011) Thoracoscopically assisted mitral valve surgery (IPG245, 2007) SCTS Mitral Guidelines (10th March 2025) American guidelines (AHA/ACC/STS/AATS) 2020 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (2019 Focused Update) Management of Heart Failure (2017 Focused Update) Valvular Heart Disease (2017 Focused Update) Resuscitation of Patients Who Arrest After Cardiac Surgery (2017) Surgery for Aortic Dilatation in Patients With Bicuspid Aortic Valves (2016) Surgical treatment of infective endocarditis (2016) Infective Endocarditis in Adults: Diagnosis, Antimicrobial Therapy, Management of Complications (2015) Management of Patients With Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes (2014) Diagnosis and Management of Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease (2014) Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (2014) Diagnosis and Management of Patients With Thoracic Aortic Disease (2010) European guidelines (EACTS / ESC) Myocardial Revascularisation (2018) Standards defining a ‘Heart Valve Centre’ (2017) Patient Blood Management For Adult Cardiac Surgery (2017) Perioperative Medication In Adult Cardiac Surgery (2017) Management Of Valvular Heart Disease (2017) Management Of Atrial Fibrillation (2016) Sutureless, Rapid Deployment Valves And Stented Bioprosthesis In Aortic Valve Replacement (2016) Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure (2016) Diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases (2015) Diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases (2014) Diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism (2014) Management of infective endocarditis (2015) Use Of Patient Safety Checklists (2013) Resuscitation In Cardiac Arrest After Cardiac Surgery (2009) Commissioning group recommendations and service specifications NHS England Cardiac Surgery Service Specification Blunt cardiac trauma guidelines Treatment of thoracic aortic pathologies involving the aortic arch (2018) UK Aortic Service on Service delivery for acute aortic syndrome BIMICS recommendations on Introduction of new technology / Proctoring Structure and functioning of a Multidisciplinary “Heart Team” in patients with coronary artery disease (BCS/BCIS/SCTS Working Group, 2015)