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Professor Massimo Caputo

Last updated: 9 Jan 2025

GMC: 4077976
Areas of Practice: Adult Cardiac and Congenital
Region: South West
Hospitals: Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Cardiac surgery, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, University of Bristol, Translational Health Science and Professor of Cardiac Surgery

Massimo Caputo:  British Heart Foundation (BHF) Professor of Congenital Heart Surgery.

He established one of the UK’s largest paediatric academic cardiac surgery unit, comprising internationally renowned teams developing innovative surgical procedures and new health technologies, and providing an evidence base to improve short-term complications and long-term outcomes in adult and paediatric patients.

He has created an environment at the Bristol Heart Institute (BHI) where clinicians, basic scientists and clinical research methodologists thrive and interact productively to produce world-leading research. Under his leadership, the congenital heart unit in Bristol has achieved recognition for attracting promising individuals and supporting them to develop careers in clinical academic and basic science, including holding prominent national and international positions, Professor H Imura (Tokyo University), Professor U Benedetto, Drs G Biglino and V Mascetti (Bristol University).

Professor Caputo has 250 publications, H-index 37, >£5m research awards as Principal Investigator (PI) and >£5m as co-PI. He has been successfully translating cardiac surgery innovations for congenital heart disease (CHD) from basic science discoveries into ‘first-in-man’ studies and into established clinical practice. He has led multiple clinical trials, which have changed clinical practice, most prominently in the areas of warm vs cold cardioplegia and normothermic and normoxic cardiopulmonary bypass, the optimal use of blood transfusion and less invasive and hybrid valve technologies. Under the prestigious Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biochemical Research, he has been investigating the potential of stem cells reconstruction and regenerative medicine to improve long term outcome and quality of life in children born with CHD undergoing heart surgery. He has demonstrated the capacity of stem cell tissue engineering strategy to create living tissue matrix with the potential to grow, remodel and repair the heart.  To achieve this, he has brought together basic and clinical cardiovascular scientists as well as forging strong partnerships with both industry and other research centres in the UK and abroad.

Supported by the NIHR-BRC, he implemented Outcome Monitoring After Cardiac Surgery (OMACp); routine capture of trial-quality data about in-hospital serious acute event (SAE, including, blood loss, acute kidney injury, lung dysfunction, neurological complications) and long-term follow-up in all consenting paediatric patients, alongside collection of blood, urine, pericardial fluid and tissue samples during surgery (up to date >1000 paediatric cardiac surgery patients, and their mothers). He has recruited three other centres (Leicester, GOSH and Dublin) and obtained ethics to start consenting participants during the foetal period. 

He has been instrumental in driving the development of the current BRC and active in creating crosslinks across the organisation increasing interdigitation of activities of his group with those of Population Health, Surgical Innovation and Perinatal and Reproductive Health to give a clear cut added value. As indication of his international reputation, Professor Caputo has been invited over the years to set up congenital cardiac surgery units in several developing countries (Syria, Palestine, Trinidad & Tobago) and as Director he was invited in 2014-15 to reorganise the Congenital Heart Surgery Department at the RUSH University Medical Center in Chicago (he remains Visiting Professor

Training Attended

University of Naples, Italy

University of Bristol, UK

University of Leiden, The Netherlands

Qualifications & Accreditations


Additional Information

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Adult Cardiac Surgery

Congenital Surgery

SCTS Committees

This consultant is or was a member of the following committees, click on any committee to see more information:

CommitteeOfficeTerm of Office
Academic & ResearchCongenital Cardiac Surgery Representative2021 - 2024
Academic & ResearchCongenital Cardiac Surgery Lead2017 - 2021
Congenital Cardiac SurgeryUnit Representative2021 - 2024
Congenital Cardiac SurgeryMember-
InnovationMember2021 - 2024



Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Professor of Congenital Heart Surgery
Upper Maudlin Street
United Kingdom

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Personal Landline: 01173423145
Personal Mobile: +447711870757

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