Cardiac (Heart)ProceduresAortic Arch Repair Aortic Root Repair Aortic Valve Surgery Atrial Fibrillation Surgery Coronary artery bypass grafts Heart Transplant Mitral Valve Surgery Pericardectomy Thoraco-Abdominal Repair Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implant (TAVI) GlossaryPatient JourneyOutpatient VisitPre-assessment ClinicHospital StayPost DischargeFollow-upMedicationsOutcome DataThoracic (Lungs)ProceduresBronchoscopy Chest Wall surgery Collapsed lung Empyema and Decortication Endobronchial Coils Endobronchial valves Lobectomy Lung Biopsy Lung Transplant Lung volume reduction Pectus Conditions Pleural Biopsy Pneumonectomy Sleeve Resection Thymectomy Tracheal resection Wedge Resection GlossaryPatient JourneyOutpatient VisitPre-assessment ClinicHospital StayPost DischargeFollow-upMedicationOutcome DataCongenital (Children)Congenital Heart Disease OverviewProceduresAtrial Septal Defect (ASD) Atrio Ventricular Septal Defect (AVSD) Coarctation of the Aorta Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Pulmonary Valve Stenosis Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) Tricuspid Atresia Truncus Arteriosus Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) GlossaryPatient JourneyOutpatient VisitPre-assessment ClinicHospital StayFollow-upMedicationsOutcome DataSupport GroupsCardiac Support GroupsThoracic Support GroupsCongenital Support GroupsSCTS Lay RepresentativeWellbeingWound ManagementFind a HospitalFind a ConsultantDonateUseful Information Home Patients Find a Consultant Mr Andrew John Parry Find a Consultant Mr Andrew John ParryLast updated: 9 Jan 2025GMC: 3090680Areas of Practice: CongenitalRegion: South WestHospitals: Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and Bristol Royal Infirmary Profile Congenital Committees Addresses Having completed a basic surgical training in 1990, I pursued a specialist training in cardiothoracic surgery. I was a registrar at the Oxford Heart Centre, then senior registrar in Papworth Hospital, Cambs, before returning to the Oxford Heart Centre to complete my senior registrar period. Following completion of this and success in the specialist examination (McCormick medal) I was added to the specialist register for cardiothoracic surgery, then went to the University of California, San Francisco where I undertook a specialist training in congenital cardiac surgery under Professor Frank Hanley. After the clinical training I undertook a period of research within the department studying the inflammatory response of the foetus to cardioplacental bypass which culminated in me being awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine from Oxford University. Having gained a full medical licence to practice in California I was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor and Attending Surgeon at University of California, San Francisco in 1997 working with Professor Hanley until I took up the post of Consultant Congenital Cardiac Surgeon at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children in 1999 where I continue today. I am chief of Congenital Cardiac Surgery at The Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. I have set up a programme for the management of patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and have developed a service for the management of patients with PA/VSD/MAPCAs. I have also led visiting cardiac surgical teams to operate in hospitals in Kenya and Tanzania, and led efforts to set up a service in Homs, Syria. Clinical interests Cardiac surgery for congenital heart defects in all ages including neonates and Grown Up Congenital Heart Disease (GUCH) Management of patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome Management of patients with pulmonary atresia, VSD, and Major AortoPulmonary Collateral Arteries (MAPCAs) Difficult pacing problems My research interests include the physiology of congenital heart disease in single ventricle circulations, fetal bypass and its clinical applications, and cerebral dysfunction associated with congenital heart disease and its treatment.Training AttendedSenior Registrar Papworth Hospital Senior Registrar Oxford Heart Centre Clinical Fellow University of California, San Francisco Assistant Professor and Attending Surgeon University of California, San FranciscoQualifications & AccreditationsBM BCh (Oxon) MA (Oxon) DM (Oxon) FRCS (CTh)(Eng) FECTS Congenital Surgery SCTS CommitteesThis consultant is or was a member of the following committees, click on any committee to see more information:CommitteeOfficeTerm of OfficeCongenital Cardiac SurgeryChair2022-2025Congenital Cardiac SurgeryUnit Representative2017 - 2022Executive CommitteeCongenital Surgery Co-Chair/ Patient Safety & Quality improvement working group Co-Chair2022-2025Executive CommitteeElected Trustee/Congenital Committee Co-Chair2021 - 2024Professional StandardsExecutive Co-Chair2022-2024Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Working GroupCo-Chair2022-2025 Addresses This consultant has not added any addresses to their public profile. View all Consultants