UK-AS is a registered UK charity of consultant cardiac, vascular and radiology consultants whose aim is to improve the care of patients in the UK and Ireland through education. Alongside organising the aortic sessions at the annual SCTS meeting, we are now proud to announce that we have started a monthly webinar called 'Educate' showcasing the knowledge of aortic experts from around the UK and Ireland in operative techniques and management strategies of aortic disease. The series is aimed at NTN and TAD's approaching the FRCS examination or start of their consultant careers.
We are pleased to announce our 2nd Educate Webinar series featuring Ms Debbie Harrington will take place on Wednesday 26th June at 16.30. You can register at
Membership of UK-AS (www.uk-as.org) is free to all doctors below consultant grade, nursing staff and AHP's so please feel free to share the details of this webinar and UK-AS widely across all units in the UK and Ireland.