This bespoke course has been arranged in place of the live animal operating course that was due to take place in December 2021. This course is aimed at ST8s from 2019-2021, who missed the opportunity during the pandemic.
The ST8 Cardiac/Thoracic pre-consultant practical course is now open to Trust Appointed Doctors. Please complete the application form, which can be found at the top of this page. Please submit your application by Monday 28th February.
ST8A Cardiothoracic pre-consultant course
This course content is yet to be confirmed but similar to the ST8A Thoracic course programme which includes:
Cadaveric Lab
- Approaches to the superior sulcus
- Approaches to the carina – Sleeve pneumonectomy and carinal resection
- Venacaval resection
Newcastle Surgical Training Centre
Freeman Hospital | Freeman Road | Newcastle upon Tyne | NE7 7DN
Please find a list of tickets for this event below.
Ticket |
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Delegate Terms and Conditions
This course is for National Trainee Numbered (NTN) trainees ST8 (2019 - 2020) and (2020 - 2021) only who have been invited.