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Outcome Data


Manchester Royal Infirmary

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Consultant Cardiac Surgeons: 6

  • Haitham Abunasra
  • Rana Bilal
  • Mr Ragheb Hasan
  • Miss Swetha Iyer
  • Mr Amir Sepehripour
  • Mr Franco Sogliani

Cardiac Outcome Data

Risk adjusted in-hospital survival rate
Outlier Status
  • Alarm. Survival worse than expected (3SD)
  • Within limits
  • Significantly higher survival than expected (3SD)
Overall Risk Adjusted Survival for UK
  • Observed
  • Predicted
  • Survival Probability (using RE model)

Understanding the Data

This graph shows the “in hospital” survival rate of patients who are operated on in the individual unit you have selected for the period 2021-2024. “In hospital” means time the patient is in the hospital where they have had their operation. It does not include any time that patients may have spent in other hospitals, either before or after their heart operation.

The data has been through a complex methodology (risk adjusted), including the variations in patient risk factors in order to give you a comparative base from which to work from. This means that the survival rates take into account the type and risk of patients being operated on for each unit and the complexity of the operation. This is known as risk adjusted survival.

The vertical axis shows the Hospital identifier. In brackets is the total number of patients operated on by the unit and the percentage of patients for whom the survival is known.
The horizontal axis is the percentage survival.
The dashed vertical line shows the risk adjusted survival rate for the UK as a whole.
The solid black horizontal line represents the unit.

What is important here is that the horizontal line crosses the vertical dashed line. If this occurs, it means that the unit are within the expected outcomes given the case-mix and risk factors of the patients they operate on.

The icons that sit on the horizontal line should give you more information about your surgeon/team.

For example:
The open square is the survival rate with no risk adjustments – (observed survival):
The X is the predicted survival with adjustments – (adjusted predicted survival)
The solid dot is the survival probability after the methodology has been applied.

  • If the solid dot is red it means survival is worse than expected
  • If the solid dot is black it means that it is within limits
  • If the solid dot is green it means that there is significantly higher survival than expected

There is a lot of information on these plots, but the takeaway message is that if the solid black line crosses the dashed vertical line and then the survival rate for the unit is within expectations and that there is no reason for any concern.


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