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Cork University Hospital

Region: Irish Republic
Trust: Health Service Executive Ireland
Unit: Cardiothoracic Surgery
Services provided: Adult Cardiac Surgery and Thoracic Surgery

Cork University Hospital
T12 DC4A

Cork University Hospital (CUH) is a model 4 tertiary referral centre and University teaching hospital. The hospital is a public hospital owned and managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and is a member of the South/South West Hospital Group. Cork University Hospital also forms part of the Cork University Hospitals Group (CUHG) which includes Mallow General Hospital and Bantry General Hospital.

CUH is unique in that we have 40 different medical and surgical specialties on the campus. As the tertiary referral centre for the HSE Southern area and the supra regional area of Limerick, Kerry, Tipperary, Waterford and Kilkenny CUH serves a total population of over 1.1 million.

In 2019 CUH had 69982 presentations to our Emergency Department, 222,115 outpatient attendances and discharged 31,769 inpatients.

CUH currently employs 3,488.26 WTE of multiple professions and is the primary teaching hospital for the Faculty of Health and Science at University College Cork. 

CUH aims to be valued for its expertise in the provision of quality acute healthcare services and to positively impact the lives of those we encounter.

Adult Cardiac Surgery

The Cardiac Services Division provides a regional acute service to Cork and Kerry and a tertiary referral service for cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery to the southern region, serving a population of over one million.

Cork University Hospital’s new €85m Cardiac Renal Centre was officially opened on Friday 22nd October 2010, by An Taoiseach, Mr Brian Cowen TD.

The Centre, which commenced construction in July 2007, following an 8 year planning phase, was handed over to CUH in early 2010.  Spanning 13,000m2 over 6 floors, the new Unit represents the most significant service development in the region to date in relation to Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Renal Medicine respectively. This development of the Centre has been a consultative process throughout involving staff and patient representatives from the Irish Heart Foundation and the Irish Kidney Association.


Quality Assurance Survey

This hospital has been part of the Cardiac Centre Quality Assurance Survey, and its latest individual results are shown below. To view additional national data, see the Cardiac Unit and Outcome Data page in the Professionals section.

This unit has reviewed its outcomes for the last quarter.

Cardiac Audit Status regional and national

Each section has a maximum score of 5

This chart was produced on 31 December 2024.

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