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Future Leaders Programme for Surgeons (FLP) 2024/25

RCS Edinburgh Surgical Programmes


The Future Leaders Programme (FLP) is open to general surgeons, ENT, urology, OMFS, breast, vascular, cardiothoracic, neurosurgeons, paediatric and plastic surgeons. The programme is accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and the College has helped with the administration of the programme since 2021. Funding is available from ASiT, ASPBGI, BAOMS, ENT UK, MDDUS, RCSEd, SBNS and the Vascular Society.

FLP is a 12-month blended learning programme supporting surgeons (ST8, SAS or in the first years of consultancy), from the specialties listed above, and dentists on the specialist list or working as an SAS grade, with the passion to be future leaders within their specialty and equip them with the advanced leadership skills needed to excel. 

[Note: for the Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery FLP, please visit the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) website: BOA Future Leaders Programme]

Participants will complete an educational project which will provide the vehicle for learning and development of leadership skills. 

The programme will run from October 2024 - September 2025 and the structure comprises:

  • 4 virtual days (October & May)
  • 2 days in-person in Birmingham (January)
  • 2 days in-person in Edinburgh (September)


RCSEd Surgical Programmes

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