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Transforming collaborative research in congenital heart disease

A national strategy to address the James Lind Alliance priorities for children and adults

Today marks the launch of a national strategy (attached) to address the priorities for research in children and adults, identified by the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) in Congenital Heart Disease (CHD).

This document sets out the priorities and describes a strategy to address them through collaborative research, including establishing the Congenital Heart Research Network in the UK & Ireland, setting up a national CHD Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group, and forming clinical study groups to translate the priorities into research questions and funded clinical studies.

The strategy builds on the experiences of others in conducting multi-centre research, including the US Pediatric Heart Network and the UK Adult Cardiac Surgery PSP, and is endorsed by both professional bodies, SCTS and BCCA, and national charities, the Children’s Heart Federation and Somerville Heart Foundation. It is hoped that by providing a platform for conducting the research that matters most, this strategy will transform collaborative CHD research in the UK and Ireland for the benefit of the whole community.

National Strategy

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