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Procedural Aspects of Cardiac Surgery from the Bedside to the Bench side

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new clinical series in Cardiothoracic Surgery in JoVE, a PubMed-indexed  (IF 1.84)  leading peer-reviewed video journal publishing scientific methods, techniques and procedures. The publication process is very easy and only need an abstract since JoVE's team will come to your facility and take care of the entire process of filming and producing your video.

This special issue of JOVE, entitled Procedural Aspects of Cardiac Surgery from the Bedside to the Bench side, is designed to provide a detailed visual outline of the state of the art in cardiothoracic surgery embracing all the most innovative technologies, procedures, or common techniques populating this specialty in both perioperative and intraoperative aspects. This will include not only operative technical aspects but also anesthesiology or intensive care procedures related to the management of cardiothoracic patients,  or cardiac interventional procedures. Also, video tutorials of clinical or preclinical research are encouraged with the aim to help the surgical community in the design of research projects or data analysis.

Once complete, this collection will be distributed to a comprehensive list of researchers who are active in the field. This will promote collaboration among researchers in the community and facilitate wider adoption of innovative methodologies. The journal has a strong presence also on social media and will actively promote the issue and the contributions of this collection, increasing the scientific visibility of the Authors.

The link provides all the information for submission. The deadline is 20th of December for preliminary abstract submission. Publication fees can be discounted according to Journal policies and for this collection the Author of the best article will receive a full waiver

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information

Cristiano Spadaccio, MD, PhD

Division of Cardiac Surgery

Massachusetts General Hospital

Harvard Medical School

AATS Fellow


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