Restart a Heart Day 2021
11 October 2021
(Last updated: 11 Oct 2021 00:37)
Restart a Heart (RSAH) is an annual initiative led by Resuscitation Council UK which aims to increase the number of people surviving out-of hospital cardiac arrests. It is run in partnership with The British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, NHS England and Improvement, Save a Life for Scotland, Save a Life Cymru, and Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. In 2018 the initiative went global with the formation of World Restart a Heart (WRSAH).
On and around 16 October each year, an alliance of partners all over the world (including UK Ambulance Services, Universities, and other charitable and public sector community-based organisations and first aid training organisations) come together to increase public awareness of cardiac arrests and increase the number of people trained in life saving CPR. They do this by organising and facilitating training events and also by providing opportunities for people to learn CPR digitally in the safety and comfort of their own home.
This year is the eighth Restart a Heart and the fourth World Restart a Heart campaign.
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