Advert for New Members and Trainee Representative
28 September 2021
(Last updated: 28 Sep 2021 14:20)

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Vacancies for Membership of the Surgical Specialty Board in Cardiothoracic Surgery
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) is pleased to announce that the Surgical Specialty Board (SSB) in Cardiothoracic Surgery is recruiting new members.
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) is pleased to announce a vacancy for a Trainee Representative position within the Surgical Specialty Board (SSB) in Cardiothoracic Surgery.
The deadline for applications is: 09:00 on Monday 25th October 2021
For informal discussions, please contact either the SSB Chair: Mr Sridhar Rathinam or the current Trainee Representative: Edward Caruana
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