National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research
28 October 2019
National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research
Every year NICOR publishes reports on the cardiac outcomes from the major audits it undertakes. The National Cardiovascular Audit (NCAP) report is a combined document which brings together the 6 cardiac audits NICOR undertakes. These are:
- Adult cardiac surgery
- Adult percutaneous coronary interventions
- Congenital heart disease in children and adults
- Cardiac rhythm management
- Heart failure
- Myocardial ischaemia (MINAP)
The aim of NCAP is to drive quality improvement and each year different aspects of care are reported upon. The report is aimed at a variety of stakeholders and not just for medical professionals.
The full report can be accessed here:
For those who wish to see the adult cardiac part of the report only, please use the following link:
For patients and the public at large a shorter, less technical summary can be accessed here:
The SCTS welcomes the views of its members, patients and the public as to what future quality improvement measures should be considered by NICOR.
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