This is the first of four in the new SCTS course series designed to help UK Cardiothoracic Surgeons build and hone their leadership skills. The 2021-2022 series will be delivered as four VIRTUAL events. The sessions will be live online and run in an experiential way offering attendees an opportunity to engage with the material and establish a community of peer leaders at SCTS. Each event will be three hours in duration (inclusive of stretch breaks) with maximum delegate capacity of 20 attendees so booking is on a first come first serve basis. The programme has been designed specifically for cardiothoracic surgeons focusing on leadership needs in today’s demanding and evolving climate.
The series will include:
- Leadership and Team working and Teaming in a High performing Cardiothoracic Unit
- Leading and Communicating with Emotional Intelligence and Impact (for outstanding patient care)
- Learning from Serious Incidents and Adverse events on a Cardiothoracic Unit
- Delivering excellence and innovation in Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Building just and inclusive cultures in Cardiothoracic Teams
SCTS have engaged Vijaya Nath (Founder & Director Contemplative Spaces) an experienced developer of Medical Leaders who has worked on supporting doctors’ development for the last 23 years. She draws on the contemporary, evidence based and patient focused approaches to supporting and challenging leaders. Working with Senior Leaders at SCTS this series has been designed to offer a stimulating and supportive learning space which we invite you to experience.
Thank you to the Lions Club International, Heston Lions Club and District 105A for supporting this new Consultant educational opportunity.
Please find a list of tickets for this event below.
Ticket |
Price |
Consultant |
£50.00 |
Delegate Terms and Conditions
Your refundable deposit will be refunded upon attendance and completion of the feedback form.