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Home Events SCTS Trainee Robotic Thoracic Surgery Course SCTS Trainee Robotic Thoracic Surgery Course Location: Intuitive Surgical Headquarters, Oxford Book online for this event Download Event to Calendar Event Prices Terms and Conditions SCTS Education is proud to announce the first robot surgery training day at Intuitive surgical headquarters in Oxford. The course is aimed at thoracic surgical trainees about to commence robotic training. It will give trainees an excellent opportunity to develop their basic robotic skills. Applications now closed! Successful applicants have now been invited to register. If you wish your application to be kept in reserve in case of any last minute cancellations, please submit below. *Full NameFull Name required *Current PostCurrent Post required *HospitalHospital required *TelephoneTelephone required *Email addressEmail address required *Post in February 2024Post in February 2024 required *Will you have access to a robot in the next year of your training?YesNoWill you have access to a robot in the next year of your training? required *Have you completed the Intuitive Surgical online robotic training course?YesNoHave you completed the Intuitive Surgical online robotic training course? required *Do you have a national training number? If yes, what is your national training number and what Deanery do you belong to?Do you have a national training number? If yes, what is your national training number and what Deanery do you belong to? required *How many lobectomies have you performed: VATSHow many lobectomies have you performed: VATS required *How many lobectomies have you performed: OpenHow many lobectomies have you performed: Open required *How many lobectomies have you performed: RoboticHow many lobectomies have you performed: Robotic required *Have you been bedside assistant in more than 5 robotic cases?YesNoHave you been bedside assistant in more than 5 robotic cases? required *Have you performed any robotic cases?YesNoHave you performed any robotic cases? required *Please provide name of Educational/Clinical Supervisor/ Clinical Lead to support your applicationPlease provide name of Educational/Clinical Supervisor/ Clinical Lead to support your application required Please provide an email / letter of support from your Educational / Clinical Supervisor/ Clinical Lead Please attach a brief CV (including logbook) Please confirm you agree to pay a refundable deposit of £200 to SCTS Education, if selected for the courseYesNo Please complete the Google reCAPTCHA Book online for this event Organised by: Mara BanutaPhone Number: 07542319310 Prices Please find a list of tickets for this event below. Ticket Price Successful Applicant £100.00 Delegate Terms and Conditions Registration is only open to successful applicants to the course! If you have not received an invitation to register via email, your registration on the course will be automatically cancelled. Other events