11:30 Welcome and Register
12:00 – 12:45 Sandwich Lunch
12:45 – 12:55
1. What is the condition - reasons for deformity, range of deformities: Mr Ian Hunt, St George’s
12:55 – 13:15
2. Patient stories
2a Physiological Challenges
2b Psychological Challenges
13:15 – 13:30
3. History of intervention and different interventions available: Professor Babu Naidu, Birmingham and Mr Sean Marven, Sheffield
13:30 – 13:50
4. Evidence for efficacy/ benefits and also define the risks: Professor Dawn Jaroszewski MD Mayo Clinic USA
13:50 – 14:10
5. Patent stories of going through surgery and if there were any benefits
5a Physiological benefit
5b Psychological benefit
14:10 – 14:40
6. Why and How Scotland and Wales offer surgery
6a Miss Malgorzata Kornaszewska, Cardiff
6b Mr Carl Davis, Glasgow
6c Ms Ashley Johnstone, Physiotherapy,
Support and Rehabilitation, Glasgow
14:40 – 14:50
7. Proposed NHSE strategy - Spec Comm speaker
14:50 – 15:00
8. Best Practice for Pectus Paper - and desire for Centres of Excellence, National Database, agreed criteria, review outcomes - Mr Joel Dunning, Middlesbrough
15:00 – 15:10
9. Closing remarks - Patient spokesperson and RCS Eng President
15:10 – 15:30
10. Time for media interviews / questions / discussion
